Maciej Pinkwart
Philosopher’s dispute on cattle marking
Gentlemen, more prudence! First part of Sergiusz’s letter is dispute on the method and definitions. Wolfgang also in first says about circumstances non matters: he makes us sure that he is not an Americans’ tamer, then he maintains that Germans by some decades have supported all American wars and that Germans feel strongly grateful to Americans for teaching them respect of freedom and democracy. And that he has friends in America. Sergiusz proves to Wolfgang, that he (Wolfgang) does not know German history, ironically saying that for the first time he (Sergiusz) hears about Bundeswehra soldiers marching near by Americans in Vietnam, but information about German youth protests against the presence of US soldiers near Ramsau or peace Easter Marches was probably only communist’s propaganda…
For essential part of the master rests only half of the letter. And the life, like the donkey – runs away… The glossa for the Readers less oriented in classic: two sages on the desert are quarrelling on which one has a right to use the shadow of the single donkey. The animal, availing itself by their inattention – disappeared. And the conclusion of Polish poet – Galczynski:
Sometimes for any shadow
The man bears another man rancour,
Meantime the life, like donkey
Runs away…
In this non-important contention you are right both: Wolfgang, because German authorities really supported American wars, Sergiusz, because big part of German people protest against them. Wolfgang – because after 2nd WW Americans influenced Germans in the greatest part in rebuilding of the German politics and psychics, Sergiusz – because this rebuilding evoked anti-American movements in Germany. German legislation forbidded sending Bundeswehra for military operations outside Germany at all and only the Kosowo war caused changing of this regulations.
So let’s make agree what is common between us and where are differences. Methinks, we in common do not accept violence as a method of settlement the politics, ideological or religious matters. We in common do not approve Saddam (eventually – deceased Saddam…) and it is unfair from the side of Sergiusz to argue that everybody who do not adjoin Mr. George W. crusade – is the ally of the moustache guy with beret… We all accept common Europe and place in it for Poland, at hand of Germany, France, but also Slovakia or non-associate Lichtenstein (my best regards for my old friend Wiesław Piechocki who is real European: he is a professor in Vaduz, lives in Austria, making shopping in Switzerland, he is a Romanist so he teaches Latin in German…). And more – we all feel this common Europe not only in our genes, but also in aesthetic liking… And last but not least: we all three like wine, women and singing… From these, singing is for me only passive pleasure, because I have no musical hearing and I am not a bird – as to voice, as to eagles…
We differ – not so much, as I’ll try to prove – in the matter of real community of this common Europe and in the matter of future safety of Poland. Sergiusz is afraid that after our entering to EU frustrated Byelorussia or/and Ukraine will make fire in their T-72 tanks and make Drang nach Westen. And only alliance with USA can defend us against those infamous aims. Wolfgang thinks that this anxiety is unfounded, because our eastern neighbours will be afraid to make conflict with EU as whole, which might will deter all potential enemies. As to me – I do not agree both of you. And, on the other hand – I do agree with both too…
I really do not suppose that Byelorussia or/and Ukraine, entangled in their own past, full of complexes and weak in their economic – would hate us in United Europe more then they do now. For them, Poland always was the West – the land of fascination rather then subject of jealous. I have some well known people in those both countries, we have talked many times and I know that they are only afraid of one thing: loss of the possibilities of unlimited contacts with us, after leading in visas. Because such contacts are necessary for them like an air: it is for them the possibility of better life, easy breathing, nearness of the better world. And if it is something to be afraid of, it is not the trial of tearing Poland of from the Europe and join it to Lukaszenko Empire, but the trial of join millions of Byelorussia and Ukraine citizens to Poland. So we should not to be afraid of tanks, but refugees…
However, we know that there is plenty of frustrates and lunatics in our world. Who knows what a hell can rise in heads of falling dictators… And in such case to be an ally of the most powerfully country in the world surely is not an obstacle.. But, thinking after Polish experiences in the past – also is not very helpful… So, I do think that Poland should not to turn back and show its stem to America joining enthusiastically the axle of Paris – Berlin - Moscow – Beijing. Maybe the moderation in this case – something like have presented clever Czechs and Italians – would be the best?
Wolfgang is right reproaching Sergiusz with not-so European thinking on this matter, narrow looking only from the Polish perspective and only from historical point of view – situated in 19th and 20th century. Well done, but how can think the young Pole for whom western Europe within many years was accessible only after very difficult overcoming of Iron Curtain, even by now it is the place where man rather comes to than is inside? And how the citizen of Poland can think – the citizen of country which within last 60 years has lived in peace only in the shadow of Soviet nuclear missiles, under the threat of atomic hell which in every moment could begun by their neighbours?
Whereas I am astonished that Sergiusz sees only temporary looking for votes of pacifists in anti-war attitude of Chancellor Schroeder. In this case I support very honest and humble approach of Wolfgang who says: because of our, German reasons plenty of wars was begun and plenty of millions people have loose their lives. Therefore we Germans have better rights then another people to refusal of war. Any war. Ever the war for peace – if I can use the old communist catchword.
So let’s abandon polemics and look on effects on this war sine ira et studio – if that noble maxima can be used in reference to such bloody matters... Whether Americans and their allies – British, Australians and... Poles won this was? Whether they have reached their targets? Stupid question? Not stupid... They have gone for killing and for be killed because they had known that Iraq has in its disposal the mass destruction weapons and threaten the peace and lives of millions people.
Notwithstanding nobody has seen this weapon, especially UN inspectors – army entered Iraq and settled this war without putting in their gas-masks… Nobody has used even one chemical bomb, even one bottle with anthrax, nobody has seen even one nuclear reactor.. Nothing. On the whole the Iraqi Army which pretendedly has menace to whole world – almost had not existed in this war. In Kuwait direction some old missiles “Scud” have been fired, but they have not frighten even desert rats… I do not remarked if any Iraqi air-plane was able to rise into air… As I know – any Iraqi ship has sailed out from harbours… Some suicide attempts – maybe less then in “normal” week in Israel – was made by volunteers from abroad… So we overcame the biggest menace for free world – menace which had several no-aimed missiles, some Kalashnikovs and plenty of Cuban cigars of Saddam, which seems to be only dangerous chemical weapon in Iraqi possession…
The second cause of the war was Hussein himself. He has ruled, has frighten – but mostly Iraqians – has violated democracy, moreover – he was accused of supporting Palestinians and terrorists from Al-Khaida – but still there is no proofs on this items… Saddam no more rules. No more frightens. Maybe – no more lives. Great – we have succeeded... Americans rule Iraq. They have not prevent any riots, not save civil citizens, not stop thefts or devastations, in America some very valuable relics stolen in Baghdad Museum of Antiquities was found. Americans rubbed also one of Baghdad banks and have stolen many jewelleries. By chance only one object in Baghdad which was from the very beginning guarded by American marines was Oil Ministry. What a surprise!
Americans appoint by now the new, temporary government in Iraq, which will lead democracy into Iraqians. As a leader of the government stands retired general Jay Garner, called by press “vice-king of Iraq”, who 24th of April, 2003 said to journalists that main functions in new Iraqi government will upon Iraqians duties… What a relief! I thought that Americans ask for help recently dimensioned ministers from the government of Polish ally, Leszek Miller…
It was not big deal to conquer Iraq if they had such a brave allies! It will be big deal to be victorious in the peace and substantiate this war at the very least post factum. Because, as once said one wise Templar Knight: the sword is very useful tool, but under the condition that man does not try to sit on it…
What will be now? If – like president Chirac and Putin – all the world will accept victorious war, giving in such case accept for next parts of American war soap opera? Where we shell look now for prohibited weapons, bad dictators and lousy democracy? In Syria? In Iran? In Korea? Damn with Romans, who have invented proverb si vis pacem, para bellum. But even they wanted for awe only prepare war. Preventive wars in XXI century would not came into bad habit into cowboys’ mind. Only the cattle let cowboys to make marks by burning-hot iron and still function for the use of its owner. Not we. Not we!
Third absolutely common thing is dream about old chestnut tree, historical monastery or castle on the horizon, bottle or some of great Frankonian wine and intellectual disputes with wise men. And pretty women. Or inversely.