Sergiusz przed Notre Dame, 2002 EU yes, but...

First, I'd like to underline that I'll vote FOR the Polish entry to the EU. I'll do that because of the disgust towards those people, who publicly and passionately try to convert me to vote otherwise. If the hard-headed nationalists, the bigmouths of Self Defence Party, devots of Father Rydzyk of Radio Maria and syndicats of every breed will blossom with affection towards the United Europe, rest assured, that I'll hesitate. Until this day I will be proeuropean.

Unfortunately, this lack of a better choice opposition seems to be only good reason for the proreferendum vote. Personally, by the enlargement of the EU I get nothing. I'm not a farmer - no chance for compensation funds there, I'm not a freeway builder , I'm not a clerk, and no fruit of my ernest work will never challange the United Europe's market. What I find most precious-free and unrestricted transportation, "green line" at the airport and no custom control - for many years will be not available to Poles. The day we join the EU, we won't become a full privelaged member. As usual, they will be scrupulous checks at the borders, as usual I will smuggle, burried beep under the seat an undeclared bottle of Bratislavke Brandy, as usual, crossing the British border I will confess to stupidified immigration officer "for what" do I come to England, and, last but not least, nobody will deny my visa to the "paradiso americana". I'll still get paid in zlotys which I'll change to euros to pay my debt interest.

If there was only hope that after a few years of beginning we advance to be the proud Europeans... what baloney, EU is far from the USA. It's not real multinational community, but only community of many small national bussinesses. Consider shamefull bargaining we saw before the "historical" Copenhagen summit finishing the entry negotiations. The German chancellor and the president of France, contesting the negotiated by Denmark compromise, shook the foundations of the EU. For what sake to give half year of "EU presidency" to the members of the Union, if every one can piss on it anytime? Who noticed a small Denmark rulling the EU now? Maybe it's only a negotiation "trick" as on the arabian "suk": A good cop, a bad cop game. If that's the case, I don't know if I really want to knock so hard on EU's door.

For Polish history is it not prophetic that Copenhagen summit begun on Friday December the 13? It's not a good date for us. It's hard to remember worse in the recent years. But THAT ,Dec. 13 (1981 - General Jaruzelski's declaration of the Martial Law) was Sunday at last...

But in those years I haven't even imagined I'd be dissapointed by the not-so-enthusiastic joining of Poland to the EU. I was 8 years old, so it's not strange I couldn't imagine some things. The next 8 years have been rather sad and there was no signs of things getting better. And suddenly the dreams we didn't know we had came true. If I regret anything, it's that we haven't joined the EU on the wave of enthusiasm of the middle '90. EU experienced a dynamic expansion. Many things happend. The last big step forward was creating euro - common currency in 1999. But I'm afraid it was all one could expect from this army of egotistic "b-(e)urocraits".

But if it's to make any sense, you can't stop midway. It's essential to go forward. One common tax sys., one prlament, the government, the president, the army. And undesputably, one language. From our point of view, the faster the EU decides on one language - the better. Most Poles don't speak any second language, so be it estonian (or any other second language), let's decide now rather than later.

"EU is a community of small motherlands", "Respect for individual cultures..." - politicians have a mouthful of slogans, because they think that people obsessively think the Brussels Dragon will devauor their national identity. But national identity doesn't necessairly depend on borders. Jasiu from Male Ciche will be Jasiu from Male Ciche even after the EU enlargement. He won't reincarnate as Hans aus Kleneruhe, nor Jean de Petit Silencieux or John of Small Calm. Nobody in their right mind will submitt him to a glass of wine accompaning fois gras, or cure his hang-over with pastis. He can preserve his folklore and the mothertounge every Saturday evening in the firechief hall of his village. He doesn't have to visit Toscany for holidays . He doesn't have to do anything. But if he decides, then the problem begins.

I'm afraid we won't enter the EU, because Poles won't give a damn. But if they miracoulusly overcome the 51st percentile of the affermitive vote, protagonists and antagonists would be disappointed quickly thereafter. Mister Giertych, - leader of nationalists - to the astonishment of his electorate, won't be imprisoned or burned at stake for the antieuropean nonsense. Stupid leader of Self Defence Party (Lepper) will be winding his usual lies. Donald Tusk and priminister Leszek Miller - leaders of proeuropean parties - except for a consenting " hand shake " will get nothing from Romano Prodi and European Commision.

Because regretably, Europe it's an old continent without visionaries.